Sunday, 4 February 2018

smu mba fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) assignment IVth sem project management

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Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Quantitative Methods in Project Management

Qus:1 What is Decision Tree Method? Elaborate the steps applied to create a decision tree.
Answer: You must have observed that it is relatively easy to make decisions when the results are known. When future outcomes are certain, we can select the path that involves the highest value and the lowest cost. In a real-life scenario too, we tend to select a path that has the highest expected

Qus:2 What is Financial Statement? Define four basic financial statements.
Answer: A financial statement refers to a formal report of the financial activities of a business, person or other entities. Financial statements are a key component of accounting. Managers use financial statements to make important long-term business decisions.
Financial statement
Qus:3 What do you understand by Capital Budgeting? Elaborate the techniques for Capital Budgeting.
Answer: Capital budgeting is a cost-benefit analysis. In simple words, it means that if a company purchases an asset or makes any investment, it needs to ensure that benefits to the company are greater

Qus:4 Elaborate Discounted Cash Flow & Discount Rate.
Answer: DCF is a valuation method used for estimating the attractiveness of investment opportunities. It is a crucial concept in project financial analysis. Let us now discuss the meaning of the term ‘discounted cash flow’. Cash in business is the actual monies paid out for salaries,

Qus:5 Define Statistical Distribution of Cost. Elaborate Beta distribution & Triangular distribution.
Answer: Project cost is used as the decision objective in many project problems, such as project selection and bidding. In a project, the cost elements can be represented by a statistical distribution

Qus:6 Explain Earned Value. Describe indicators of Project’s Schedule and Cost Performance with EV.
Answer: Future performance of a project is indicated by its current performance. Therefore, with the help of trend data, it is possible to forecast cost and schedule overruns of projects at an early stage. The EV method is one of the most important trend analysis techniques used in project

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Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Project Risk Management

Qus:1 What are Risk Processes & Risk Attitudes? Describe Risk Processes.
Risk Attitudes                                    5
Risk Processes                                   5
Establish the context: This is the first process in the overall risk management exercise and often receives the least attention. It refers to all the activities required to understand the context and

Qus:2 What is Risk Categorization? Elaborate major four categories of risk.
Risk Categorization                          2
Four Major Risk Categories            8
Answer: A risk register, an outcome of the risk identification process, is a list of all the potential risks. It does not contain any qualitative or quantitative details of a risk, such as risk priority, severity, probability etc. A risk register acts as a primary input for the risk analysis process. However, a raw

Qus:3 Describe Sensitivity Analysis. List the goal of Sensitivity Analysis.
Sensitivity Analysis                            4
Goals of Sensitivity Analysis            6
Answer: In the quantitative analysis, a project manager should use different tools and models to study the factors

Qus:4 Define Scope Risk. Elaborate different types of scope risk.
Scope Risk                                         4
Types of Scope Risk                          6
Answer: To understand the meaning of a scope risk, you should clearly understand the meaning of the scope. Scope refers to the work that needs to be completed for delivering a product, service or result with specified features and functions. In short, scope is the work that needs to be

Qus:5 Define Resource Risk. Discuss three categories of resources risks.
Resource Risk                                    4
Categories of Resources Risk           6
Answer: A resource risk is a risk that occurs when the resources required by a project are not available on time or in the right quantity. The term ‘resources’ in this case includes human resources, money and outsourcing (procurement). An equipment or a tool is another important resource;

Qus:6 What is Risk Mitigation? Elaborate Mitigation Strategies for Scope Risk, Scheduled Risk & Resources Risks.
Risk Mitigation                                                          4
Mitigation Strategies for Scope Risk                       2
Mitigation Strategies for Scheduled Risk                2
Mitigation Strategies for Resources Risk                2
Answer: To mitigate means to make something less severe, serious or painful. Risk mitigation aims at exactly the same goal, which is reducing the risk impact by taking steps before a risk

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Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Project Quality Management

Qus:1 What is ISO quality standard? Define ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9004:2009 and ISO 19011:2011.
ISO Quality Standard                                   1
ISO 9001:2008                                               3
ISO 9004:2009                                               3         
ISO 19011:2011                                             3
Answer: Today, there are various quality programmes, standards, and excellence models or awards to influence quality practices in organisations. Different countries have instituted different standards for promoting quality management. These practices focus on certain parameters like customer satisfaction and busin

Qus:2 Detail the Concept of Project Quality Assurance. Illustrate Quality Assurance Plan.
Concept of Project Quality Assurance                                4
Quality Assurance Plan                                                        6         
Answer: The potential of a project to produce high quality outcomes largely depends on the decisions taken during its planning stage. In this stage, you set the quality parameters of project management and product realization processes, which together affect the quality of the project

Qus:3 Elaborate benefits & barriers of Project Quality Improvement.
Benefits of Project Quality Improvement.                          3
Barriers of Project Quality Improvement.                          7
Answer: To focus on continuous improvement, an organisation needs to constantly manage its processes, and identify and remove problems. Continuous improvement encompasses all the processes and departments of an organisation. It follows the top-down approach. The top management initiates and

Qus:4 Define Process flowcharts. Detail High-level, Detailed and Deployment/matrix flowchart.
Process flowcharts                                                    1
High-level flowcharts                                                3
Detailed flowcharts                                                   3
Deployment/matrix flowchart                                  3
Answer: Process flowcharts
In 1921, Frank Gilbreth, a pioneer of motion study, introduced the concept of flowcharts. Gradually, flowcharts made a mark on various industrial and engineering projects. Quality guru Kaoru Ishikawa defined a

Qus:5 What do you understand from Problem Solving in Project Management? Detail Tools for Solving Problems.
Problem Solving in Project Management               1
Tools for Solving Problems                                      9
Answer: A structured approach to problem solving helps in managing projects in a better way. This approach consists of various problem solving tools and guidelines that help an organisation to solve problems properly. An organisation can either adopt various existing problem solving

Qus:6 Define European Forum for Quality Management (EFQM). Elaborate the three integrated components of EFQM.
European Forum for Quality Management (EFQM)                    1
Three integrated components of EFQM                                         9
Answer: The European Forum for Quality Management (EFQM) is an excellence model that works as a quality tool. Although mostly used in Europe by organisations to improve performance, the EFQM model can be applied to any organisation regardless of size, sector, or maturity. It is a generic

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fall 2017
BK ID - B2014

Q1. Explain the essential elements of a project contract. (Discuss the TEN essential elements of a project contract) 10
Answer: Essential elements of project contract: We have studied that a contract is an agreement enforceable by law. To be enforceable by law, an agreement must possess the essential elements of valid contract. These elements of a valid contract are discussed as follows:

Proposal (offer) and acceptance: There must be a ‘lawful proposal’ and a ‘lawful acceptance’ of the proposal for a contrac

Q2. Explain the steps involved in the contract closure process. (Explain the EIGHT steps involved in the contract closure process) 10
Answer: Contract Closure: Contract closure refers to a process of accomplishing all the tasks as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract. The steps involved in the contract closure process are

Q3. What is an outsourcing contract? What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing?
 Explain about outsourcing contract.
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing
Answer: Outsourcing Contracts: Outsourcing a contract implies a process in which one party contracts work to another party. First, the outsourcer accepts the tasks given by the organisation. Then, the contract is and involves key contents such as scope, conditions, deliverables, etc. Organisations often

Q4. Discuss the process of procurement. (Explain the SIX steps of the procurement process) 10
Answer: Process of Procurement: The procurement process includes the activities of procuring goods or services, paying the bills, and closing the procurement contracts. The steps involved in the procurement process are discussed as follows:

1.      Planning purchases and

Q5. What is contract management? Describe its important features. (Define contract management, List and briefly explain the important features of a good management contract) 1, 9
Answer: Contract Management: Contract management refers to the management of contracts by negotiating the terms and conditions of the contract and ensuring compliance. It implies systematically managing the contract creation and maximizing the operational and financial performance of contracts. An increase in the use of contracts in organizations requires growing recognition for improving

6 Write short notes on:
 Contract Structure and its elements.
 Software Licensing
Contract Structure and its elements
Definition Software Licensing
Contract Structure and its elements:
There are several types of contracts in different industries. Contracts differ in their terms such as type of work, number of parties involved, degree of risk, price of the contract, etc. However, the structure of a contract is almost similar in most industries. Most contracts follow the same basic format. Generally, contracts

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