Saturday, 21 April 2018

smu mba 3rd sem IT assignment Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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1 Write short notes on the following agile processes:
a. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
b. Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
c. Scrum
d. Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
Concept of Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
Concept of Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
Concept of Scrum
Concept of Feature-Driven Development

Answer: a) The DSDM methodology was promoted by the DSDM Consortium, created in 1994 by a group of software engineering practitioners and software vendors. The most important distinctive feature of

2 Explain the concept of “software project life cycle” with a suitable example.
Explaining software project life cycle

Answer: Software Project Life Cycles                                                        
We can classify software development projects into various types based on their business functional domain. In case a software

3 a. Explain function-oriented metrics
b. How do you calculate function points?
a. Explaining the meaning of function-oriented metrics along with the five information domain value calculation methods
b. Calculation of function points

Answer: A) The function-oriented metrics are indirect software metrics. Instead of the number of LOC, the emphasis is more on the functionality of the product. The function-oriented metrics were first proposed by Albrecht. He suggested a productivity measurement approach known as the Function point method. In this

1 a. Explain the system architecture
b. Explain System specification review
a. Explaining the four main components of system architecture
b. Explaining the system specification review with different segments of system specification review

Answer: A) The four main components of system architecture are as follows:
·         Processing power The processing power depends on the computer or the server. The correct processor must
2 Explain the different types of integration testing
At least 5 types of integration testing

Answer: Types of integration testing
Top-down integration
We can state an incremental approach to develop a program as top-down integration. In top-down integration, we first recognise the control hierarchy. This helps us to identify and categorise the modules. The modules that are subordinate to the main control module are integrated to the bigger
structure. Depth-first or

3 Explain the code inspection technique. What are the different steps followed to conduct code inspection
Explain the code inspection technique
Steps followed to conduct code inspection

Answer: We can define “code inspection” as one of the techniques of formal method to review a software product. The goal of code inspection is to detect errors caused due to typological mistakes and incorrect programming. Code

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Database Management Systems
Set 1
Qus:1 What are the properties of DBMS?                        
Answer: The following are the important properties of database:
 A database is a logical collection of data having some implicit meaning. If the data are not related then it is not

Qus:2 Describe various notations of ER Model.
Answer: The basic representation of ER Model is given below. After the requirements collection and analysis phase, we create its conceptual schema step-by-step by using ER Model

Qus:3 Describe the construction of hard disk drive.
Answer: The hard drive is also known as hard disk drive or fixed disk drive. It is the main and largest storage device on the computer. It is referred usually in the computer by C: drive. This

Set 2
Qus:1 Identify the advantages of client applications
Answer: In a centralised database system, all system components such as data, DBMS software and storage devices reside at a single computer or site, whereas in distributed database system

Qus:2 Explain the basics of OOD.
Answer: Object-Oriented Designing (OOD) can be used to explain how a software design may be represented as a set of interacting objects that manage their own states and behaviours.

Qus:3 Explain kinds of joins are: simple equi-join, self-join, outer join.
Answer: Simple equi-joins
We must follow the guidelines given below to join two tables together:
o Table names in the FROM clause are separated by commas.
o Use appropriate joining condition. This means that the foreign key of Table 1 will be made equal to the primary key of Table 2.

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Qus:1 Cryptography is the process of writing the cipher text. Explain its uses and goals.
a) Uses of Cryptography                              5
b) Goals of Cryptography                            5
Answer: Cryptography is the process of writing the cipher text. In cryptography, a plain text is converted into the cipher text (refers to the secret text) by using some mathematical functions, so that

Qus:2 Explain WAN (Wide Area Network). Elaborate its characteristics & architecture.
a) Explanation of WAN                    2
b) Characteristics of WAN               2
c) Architecture of WAN                   3
Answer: Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of network used to cover a wide geographical area or region.
WANs can be interconnected with LANs. WAN links different metropolitans, countries and national boundaries

Qus:3 Write Short notes on:
a) Transceivers                                    2
b) Network Interface Cards (NIC)    3
c) Repeaters                                         2
d) Hubs                                                3
A transceiver is an electronic device that can transmit and receive signal simultaneously, where the circuit of both the transmitter and receiver is integrated on a single board or casing. Nowadays, transceivers are generally embedded into the NIC, which eliminates the need for separate circuits and cables. The data is

Qus:1 List and briefly explain the Seven Layered OSI Model
Explanation of OSI Model                  10
The Seven-Layered OSI Model
The OSI reference model emerged as a first step towards international standardisation of the protocols used in the various layers by the ISO. The model is called the ISO OSI reference model as it deals with

Qus:2 Explain Bluetooth Technology. Its features and its working
a) Explanation of Bluetooth Technology      3
b) Features of Bluetooth Technology            3
c) Working of Bluetooth Technology            4
Bluetooth Technology
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that creates small wireless networks, called Personal Area Networks (PANs)

Q.3 What is Cloud Computing? Explain its benefits and limitations
a) Explanation of Cloud Computing.          3
b) Benefits of Cloud Computing.                 4
c) Limitation of Cloud Computing.             3
The word cloud is a representation of the Internet, depicting the unreal yet worldwide nature of the Internet. Generally, in many network diagrams, cloud is used to represent the Internet, as
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Set 1
Qus:1 Write short note on the types of approaches for Development of Business Intelligence Solutions and Differentiate between Waterfall & Agile Approach
a) Short note on the types of approaches for Development of Business Intelligence Solutions                                                                                      7
b) Difference between Waterfall & Agile Approach                     3
Answer: Approaches for Development of Business Intelligence Solutions
The two approaches in software development, which are significant in the case of BI solution development, are as follows:

Qus:2 There are different types of roles in a programme team. Explain each.
Roles in BI Programme team.                                  10
Answer: The BI program team creates the foundation, provides continuity and is responsible for maintaining standards, coordination and integration in a project. There are different types of roles in a programme team. Some of these roles are explained in detail as follows:
BI technical
Qus:3 OLAP is a technology that is used to analyse data stored at different network locations or data warehouses. Explain its Characteristics and types.
a) Characteristics of OLAP                          5
b) Types of OLAP                                         5
Answer: OLAP is a technology that is used to analyse data stored at different network locations or data

Qus:1Business intelligence (BI) is a process by which an organisation analyses raw data so that it can take informed decisions about its future in a timely manner. Explain the keys to ensure success of BI in organisations
The keys to ensure success of BI in organisations                          10
Answer: A company or an organisation should recognise the importance of data and information to measure its performance and adopt BI for better decisionmaking and analytic

Qus:2 Elaborate on the Business Intelligence (BI) applications in Finance
Business Intelligence (BI) applications in Finance                          10
Answer: Understanding how BI can be harnessed and applied to the finance sector is beneficial for both investors and financial institutions. A recent report of financial institutions states that many financial institutions of US and other countries can get benefit by implementing a BI solution

Qus:3 Business intelligence tools are software programs and applications that are used for comprehensive and detailed data analysis. Explain the “Tools supporting information integration capability” and “Tools supporting presentation capability”.
a) Tools supporting information integration capability                             5
b) Tools supporting presentation capability                                               5
Answer: Tools supporting information integration capability
Information integration capability is the ability to relate structured and unstructured data, and information and knowledge created in the past. The tools that support information integration capability are as

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