Wednesday, 4 April 2018

smu M.Sc IT IIIrd sem Winter 2017 (April/may 2018 exam)

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT306– Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD)
Qus:1 What is usability testing? Write the rule for developing usability testing.
Usability testing, a non-functional testing technique that is a measure of how easily the system can be used by end users. It is difficult to evaluate and measure but can be evaluated based on the below parameters:
·        Level of Skill required to learn/

 Qus:2 What is meant by unified approach? Describe the steps, methods and tools of unified approach.
Answer:   Unified approach is a better way for understanding concepts of objects oriented system development. Unified approach is a methodology for software development. The unified approach, based on

Qus:3 Describe the various states of activity diagram.
Answer: Activity diagrams are special cases of state chart diagrams. An activity diagram has actions as states. It can be

Qus:1 Discuss the strategies for designing classes.
Answer: The object oriented design process is a complex process. The following methods can help you design better classes:
1)      Analyze the role of the

Qus:2 Mention and describe the basic categories of program errors.
Answer: Debugging is a process of finding errors in the code which cause unexpected results and eliminating them. The process of testing and identifying bugs is a balance of science, art and luc

Qus:3 Explain the following:
(a) Black box testing
(b) White box testing
Answer: (a) Black box testing
This treats the system as one that cannot be seen in detail. The structure of the program is not taken into accoun

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT) Revised Fall 2011
Qus:1 Name the three types of pattern in event driven programming. Explain the advantages of event driven programming.
In computer programming, event-driven programming is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events such as user actions (mouse clicks, key presses), sensor outputs, or messages from other programs/threads. Event-driven programming is the dominant

Qus:2 Explain the features of XML. Write important rules for XML declaration?
Answer: XML is popular for many features and few of them are listed here:
1.      Easy Data Exchange: In XML, data and markup are stored as text that we can configure. If we like, we can use XML editors to create XML documents but if something goes wrong we can examine and
Qus:3 Write any four importance of XML Schema. Discuss the steps to create an element with the XML designer.
Answer: Importance of XML schema
Schemas not only describe the permissible content of a document, they can:
 XML schema uses XML syntax. When you look at your first XML Schema, probably the most striking


Qus:1 Define AJAX. Explain AJAX frameworks components.
Answer: Full form of AJAX is “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”. AJAX is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards.
It is a technique, rather than a framework. it allows web pages to behave less like flat documents and more like dynamic GUI apps that users might expect from their desktop environments. Ajax techniques can be used for all recent browsers (including Internet Explorer and Netscape/Mozilla).In the year 1998, Microsoft introduced a technique, called as Microsoft’s Remote Scripting that successfully replaced the older techniques. The technique involved the pulling of data through means of Java Applet which communicated with the client side using scripting language like

Qus:2 Describe the five different categories of PHP Operators.
Answer: In all programming languages, operators are used to manipulate or perform operations on variables and values. There are many operators used in PHP, so we have separated them into the

Qus:3  What is meant by control statements in ASP. Explain with suitable example.
Answer: We can make a decision based on user input using an If statement. The If statement tests a condition and if the result is true then it runs the code that follows the If statement but if the result is false then it runs the code after the else statement. Here is an example for when someone enters their age on

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT3091– Open Source System
Set 1
Qus:1 Discuss the different types of Creative Common License.
Answer: It is very important to know that the licensable properties come from an array of sources. The definitions of various proprietary types are not always apparent. Although every licensing program is exclusive, diverse areas of the licensing business have specific prototypes in terms of how they are organized, and

Qus:2 Write a short note on the following:
(a)MIT license.
(b)Advertising clause

(a)MIT license.
The Massachusetts Institute of
Technology initially developed a liberal software license which is called as the MIT license, for the release of X Window System source code. You can also call it as ‘X License’ or ‘MIT/X License’ or ‘X Window System

Qus:3 (a)List any five features of Mozilla Public License.
(b)Comparison among GPL, LGPL, and MPL.
Answer: (a)List any five features of Mozilla Public License.
You can say that the MPL differs from the GPL in the way it regulates the distribution and licensing of works containing the MPL-licensed code. The new component built using the MPL-Licensed code can be distributed, in which

Qus:1 Give reasons why open-source is a good choice for companies.
Answer: As we have understood how we could join an existing open source project and also end an open source project, let us now learn how we can inculcate an open source culture in a company.

Qus:2 Explain the drawbacks of open source and free software licensing.
Answer: As we are aware of the global scenario of open source and free software licenses, let us now understand the issues related to them.
You can observe that the advantages of open source licensing sometime in some situations act as

Qus:3 Discuss Cross licensing.
Answer: When two or more companies sign agreement providing the rights of their intellectual property to the other, then this
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Winter 2017
Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
MIT3083– Software Architecture

Assignment Set - 1
Q.1 Explain the six components of broker architecture.   10
A broker component has to be introduced for better dissociation of clients and servers. Servers have to register themselves with the broker. The clients and servers communicate through the broker. Clients access the servers by sending

Q.2 Describe the four architectural designs for KWIC system.    10

The problem related to KWIC that we are looking into now is put forward by David Lorge Parnas (a Canadian pioneer of software engineering who formulated the concept of information hiding in object oriented programming). Following is a

Q.3 Mention the steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern.   10
Steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern
Step 1: The problem has to be defined by:
·         Specifying the problem domain and the field of knowledge necessary to find a solution.
·         Scrutinizing the input t

Assignment Set - 2

Q.1 (a) Explain how architectural pattern and design pattern differ from each other.     6
(b)What are the disadvantages of the Proxy pattern?                                                           4
Difference between Architectural Pattern and Design Pattern
Architectural Pattern
Design Pattern

Q.2 (a) Describe the benefits of connectors.                          5
(b) What are the advantages of implicit invocation?             5
Benefits of connectors-
Some of the advantages of connectors are:

·         Connectors are architectural building blocks used to represent the interactions between components and rules that administer these interactions.
·         They match up to the lines in box line descriptions. Examples for these include pipes, procedure call, client-server protocol, an SQL link between database and application.  Unlike components, connectors may not match compilation entities. Yet, the specifications of connectors in an ADL might contain rules to implement a

Q.3 Describe the different views that must be considered while documenting architecture.     10
Documenting architecture is an important part of software development. Architecture must be documented in a good amount of detail and should be presented in an accessible form for many different stakeholders. A simple search shows lots of

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