Wednesday, 4 April 2018

smu MBA 3rd sem MK new Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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Master of Business Administration - MBA
Sales, Distribution and Supply Chain
Set 1
Qus:1 Explain the process of Personal selling.
Answer: The key to the development of the sales force is the finalization of the appropriate sales processes by each organization. Sales processes differ across products as well as approaches and strategies followed by an organization. For example, the process usually adopted in a consumer product

Qus:2 What are the various recent trends in International Sales Management?
Answer: Following are the recent trends in the area of sales management:
(i)                 Intense Competition: Due to liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG), the sales environment of today’s organizations has changed a great deal. The selling firms are not competing with new domestic players but

Qus:3 i. Define Wholesaler
ii. Explain the functions of Wholesaler
iii. Explain the applications of IT in various areas of wholesaling
Answer: i. Define Wholesaler
Wholesalers are also known as middlemen since they purchase merchandise from manufacturers and sell them again to the retailers. The responsibility of a wholesaler entails financial risk as well. After purchasing products from the manufacturers, the wholesaler keeps the products in his warehouse and at times, has to make arrangements for transport of

Set 2
Qus:1 Write short notes on Vertical Marketing System (VMS) and Horizontal Marketing System (HMS)
Answer: A Vertical Marketing System (VMS) is a system in which almost all the members of distribution channel such as manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers work together to satisfy human needs and wants by facilitating the smooth flow of goods and services from manufacturer to the

Qus:2 What do you mean by Demand Management? Explain Demand Management Model.
Answer: Demand Management
The concept of demand management has been an evolving concept, i.e., it has been changing over time. The reasons for the changes that are taking place in demand management are because of the geographical expansion of both the ‘market’ and the ‘supply ecosystems’ new technologies

Qus:3 Explain Logistics Management. What are the various Determinants of Designing Logistical System?
Answer: The technique of controlling and managing the flow of goods, information, energy and other resources such as end products, services and people, from the site of production to the marketplace is
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Master of Business Administration - MBA
Consumer Behaviour
Set 1
Qus:1 Explain Market Segmentation. Describe the important bases on which markets are segmented.
Answer: Positioning is a decision reached by a marketer to try to achieve a defined brand image relative to competition within a market segment. Product positioning decisions are strategic

Qus:2 Write short notes on Psychoanalytic Theory/Freudian Theory and Trait Theory and Consumer Behaviour
Answer: Freud’s Theory of Motivation
Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has had a strong influence on the development of modern psychology and on

Qus:3 Write short notes on Tri Component Attitude Model and Katz functional theory and attitude change.
Answer: Tri-component attitude model
According to this model, attitudes consist of three main components:
1. Cognitive component (knowledge, beliefs)
2. Affective component (emotions, feelings)

Set 2
Qus:1 Explain the Consumer decision Making process.
Answer: Understanding Consumer decision – Making process
Generally it is believed that decision-making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. The most common examples are shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision-making is said to be a psychological construct. It means that although one can never "see" a decision, one can infer from observable behaviour that a decision has been made. Therefore, we can conclude that a psychological event called "decision-making" has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, it is assumed that people have made a commitment to effect the action.
Problem/Need Recognition
Purchase decision-making process begins when a buyer becomes aware of an unsatisfied need or problem. Problem recognition is a critical stage in consumer decision-making process because without it, there is no deliberate search for information. Among consumers, there are two types of problem recognition approaches.
 In actual state types, the consumer recognises that they have a problem when a product does not perform properly (e.g. a watch fails to work).
 In desired state type, the consumer has the desire to own something new; this may activate the decision process.

Qus:2 Explain any five factors affecting diffusion of innovation. What are the five categories of adopters classified by time of adoption?
Answer: Factors Affecting Diffusion of Innovation
The chances of a product’s adoption and subsequent diffusion are largely dependent on its nature. The rate at which the diffusion of an innovation takes place is a function of the

Qus:3 Write short notes on Nicosia Model of Consumer Decision-Making (Conflict Model) and Howard-Sheth Model
Answer: Nicosia Model of Consumer Decision-Making (Conflict Model)
Francesco Nicosia was one of the first to develop consumer behaviour model in the early 1960s and shift focus from the act of purchase itself to the more complex decision process that consumers engage in

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PROGRAM - Masters of Business Administration - MBA

Q1 What is Retail Marketing Environment? Define elements in a Retail Marketing Environment.
       Retail Marketing
       Environment Elements in a Retail Marketing Environment 2+8=10
Retail Marketing Environment:-
Everything that surrounds and impinges on a system can be called as an environment. Systems of many kinds have environments with which they interact. Retail Marketing can also be seen as a system which must respond to

Q2 Define consumer decision behavior. Explain types of decision behavior.
       Consumer Decision Behavior
       Types of Decision Behavior 2.5+7.5= 10
Consumer purchase behaviour involves not only understanding how decisions are made but also understanding the dynamics that influence purchases. Sometimes consumers undertake a complex decision process requiring substantial amounts of time and energy. In situations where consumers are making a decision for the

Q3 Critically examine types of Store Layout.
       Racetrack form
       Grid form
       Free flow
       Dead block format 2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10
Types of Store Layout:-
Racetrack form
This layout ensures the shoppers start from the point where they enter the stores, flow through the entire store and


Q.1 What are Private Label Brands? Elaborate growth drivers of Private Label Brands.   
       Private Label Brands
       Growth Drivers of Private Label Brands 3+7=10
A private

Q2. Elaborate Customer Relationship Management Strategies.   
       Special treatment benefits 2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10
Customer Relationship Management Strategies:
1. Personalisation: The social interaction between service employees and their customers is known as personalisation. It is the way in which employees relate to customers who can be impersonal or personal. Personalisati
Q3 Describe the four stages of International Business.   
       Domestic focus 
       Geocentric  2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10
The four stages of International Business:
1.      Stage one: Domestic focus: In this stage, firms have a strong domestic focus with all activity concentrated in the

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DRIVE Spring 2018
MKT304-Marketing Research
1 What do you mean by research? State some of its characteristics.

Answer: Meaning of Research
Research is a systematic and intensive study undertaken to:
·         Address the fundamental questions or
·         Find a solution to the existing problems.
It is an art of scientific investigation. It is also a systematic design collection analysis and reporting of the findings and solutions for the existing problems of a company. According to the

2 Write a short note on the criteria of choosing a good research design.
Explanation (2 marks for each criteria)

Answer: The criteria of a good research design are:
·         Feasibility: Designs should be implemented in a correct form. The duration and sequence of events should be designed in a proper way. Problems should be anticipated in

3 Explain comparative scales and its types.
Explanation of the meaning
Explanation of types

Answer: In comparative scaling, the respondent is asked to compare one brand or product against another. Comparative scaling techniques help in direct comparison between stimulus objects. One of the main advantages of comparative scaling is the easy application by

Set 2
1 Explain various types of probability sampling techniques with suitable examples.

Answer: Classification of Probability Sampling Techniques

2 Analyse the steps involved in hypothesis testing.

Answer: Steps Involved in Hypothesis Testing
1. Setting-up of hypothesis: The first step is to set up the decision making process. This involves specifying the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H).
2. Selecting a significance level: A criterion used for rejecting the null hypothesis is the significance level. The

3 Write short notes on:
a) Media planning
b) Copy Testing

Answer: Media Planning
Media planning is quite essential in establishing the best way to disperse advertisers’ message across to the consumer market through various media channels. In short, the main goal of the media

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