Wednesday, 4 April 2018

smu MBA 4th sem common new Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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Master of Business Administration – MBA
Strategic Management and Business Policy
Qus:1 What according to David are the various reasons for poor or no strategic planning and management by companies?
Answer: Some companies do not undertake strategic planning and management. Some other companies do strategic planning, but receive no support from managers and employees. In some other cases, managers and employees do not get enough support from the top management. A number of such and other reasons explain why certain companies do not take to

Qus:2 Write short notes on Business Continuity Planning and Business Impact Analysis.
Answer: Businesses need to be planned not only for today, but also for tomorrow, that is, for the future. This implies business continuity and the need for sustainability. Sustainability requires understanding and

Qus:3 What is Competence Analysis? What are the four major types or levels of competence?
Answer: Competence is the ability to perform a task or achieve some objectives.

Qus:1 Write short note on BCG Portfolio Model and Porter’s Generic Strategy.
Answer: BCG Portfolio Model
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) model is a growth-market share matrix, depicting a company’s competitiveness (cash flow generation or profitability) in terms of market growth rate, and, its relative market share. The model is also known as a portfolio matrix because, on the basis of the BCG matrix, a company can determine its optimal product portfolio on the basis of

Qus:2 Write short notes on Ansoff product-market expansion matrix and Strategic Alliance
Answer: Ansoff Matrix
We start with Ansoff’s (1987) product-market expansion matrix which has been the basis for further research and

Qus:3 What do you mean by Structure of an Organisation? Explain some of the common structural forms.
Answer: Structure of an organization defines the levels and roles of management in a hierarchical way. One can also say that an organizational structure spells out the way tasks, functions and
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Spring 2018
Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 4
MBA402 –International Business Management
Q.1 Define international Business? What are the various factors affecting international Business?
Definition international Business
Answer-Various factors affecting international Business
International business can be defined as any business that crosses the national borders of a country. It includes importing and exporting; international movement of goods, services, employees, technology, licensing, and franchising of intellectual property (trademarks, patents, copyright and so on). International business includes investment in financial and

Q.2 Explain detail structure of WTO with diagram?
Structure of WTO with Diagram.
WTO was established on 1st January 1995. In April 1994, the Final Act was signed at a meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Marrakesh Declaration of 15th April 1994 was formed to strengthen the

Q.3 Write a short note on international regulatory bodies.
European Union
United nations
Answer- European Union
European Union is pro-active in the harmonisation process. European Commission sets directives,


Q.1 What are the four methods of payment for the international Transactions?
Payment Methods

Since international trade deals with exchange of goods, there are various ways in which the payment terms (finance) will be handled. Bothe seller and trader should be careful about the

Q.2 Explain in detail about short term credit and long term credit.
Short term credit
long term credit

Short term credit
The short term credit is provided in the form of pre-shipment and postshipmentfinance. This can be provided by the commercial banks that are authorised dealers in the foreign exchange. Short term credits

Q.3 What are the various advantages of global sourcing?
Advantages of Global sourcing

Advantages of Global Sourcing
As business operations diversified in the global production chain due to globalization, companies have to evaluate their choices, decisions and strategy for outsourcing different components at a cost effective level from all around the world. Outsourcing offers several advantages as

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