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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- BT0082, Visual Basic
BOOK ID- B1093
Q.1: Write a note on Microsoft development environment.
Microsoft Development Environment is the Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment, or IDE, that you use for developing Visual Basic applications.
Q.2: Explain the loops in with examples.
Loops are used for iteration purposes, that is, performing a task multiple times (usually until a termination condition is met)
(i) For…Next Loop
The most common type of loop in VB.Net is the For...Next loop. The basic structure of the For...Next
Q.3: Explain the event driven applications in Explain common control events and common form events in
Visual Basic applications are event-driven, i.e., they work by responding to the events that occur on objects. To respond to an event, you code an eventprocedure (or event handler) as shown in Figure.
The user may click on an Exit button on the form. Then, the application responds by executing the event procedure for that object and event. In this case, the event procedure consists of a single statement that
Q.4: How to handle error in VB? Explain.
For compatibility, Visual Basic 2005 and other .NET versions of Visual Basic still support the old-style syntax for error handling that was used in Visual Basic 6 and earlier versions. That means you can still use the syntax presented in this review. However, it is strongly recommended that you avoid using this old-style syntax in favor of the exception handling features that are native to .NET. Using the new Try...Catch syntax (presented after this review) will give you more flexibility and better code structure.
The old-style syntax in VB6 was handed down from DOS versions of BASIC. The On Error construct
Q.5: Describe the methods in to set a connection string and to open a connection.
VB.Net allows you many ways to connect to a database or a data source. The technology used to interact with a database or data source is called ADO.NET.
Setting a Connection String
There are Properties and Methods associated with the Connection Object, of course. We want to start with the Connection String property. This can take many parameters. Fortunately, we only need a few of these.
Q.6: Explain the following:
1. Forwarding Requests to JSP Pages
2. Redirecting instead of forwarding
1. Forwarding Requests to JSP Pages
The <jsp:forward/> action is used to permanently transfer processing from one JSP to another on the local server. Any content generated by the original page is discarded and the processing begins anew at the second JSP.
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