Thursday, 20 August 2015

bba403 smu bba summer 2015 IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE-Summer 2015
PROGRAM-Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-BBA 403 - International marketing
BK ID-B1714

Q.1. Explain the meaning, need and significance of international marketing. (Meaning, Need, significance) 3, 4, 3

Meaning of International Marketing

Before trying to understand the definition of international marketing let us recapitulate the definition of “Marketing” as given by Mr. Kotler, an authority on the subject. According to Mr. Kotler,

Q2 What are the elements of culture? Explain.
(Elements of culture)
Broadly, culture constitutes five elements called the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs and thought processes as referred in the foregoing paragraphs. Each of these five elements of culture is of extreme significance to international marketer in the context of sales promotion. Hence it is desired of an

Q3 Assessing political environment plays an important role in taking business decisions.
Discuss this statement. What risks could arise due to political environment?
(Discuss the statement, Political risk)

Assessing the political environment always plays a very important role in arriving at any business decision. Foreign firm operations are drastically affected due to certain laws and regulations directed by local, regional and/or central government.
Further, assessing the political situation and climate of the home country is much easier compared to the

Q.4. Explain the meaning and need of secondary research in international marketing. (Meaning, need) 3, 7

Secondary Research

As the name indicates, secondary data is the data collected by somebody earlier for their use. Secondary research is carried out first. This research is conducted by collecting data from the following

Q.5. What is the mode of entry adopted by McDonalds? Discuss the various modes of entry in international business. (Mode of entry by McDonalds, Modes of entry) 3, 7
Mode of entry adopted by McDonalds
Mcdonald is the world famous fast food restaurant. Mcdonald’s from its day first has always tried to have strong competitive advantage over its rival. This is the only way for Mcdonald’s to survive in globalised environment.

Q6 Write short notes on:
a) Product diversification
b) Product customization
[a) meaning and benefits of product diversification b) meaning and benefits of product customization] 5, 5
Product Diversification
Product diversification is a conscious activity undertaken by business firms where new products are added to the existing portfolio of product/s to exploit the additional sales opportunities available in the market.

The International Marketer secures a marketing edge over competitors by diversification of products in which process either new products are launched or existing products are re-introduced with substantial value addition. In the evolving marketing strategies, the international marketer gets customer feedback

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