Thursday, 20 August 2015

bt0071 smu bsc it summer 2015 IInd sem assignment

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PROGRAM               BSC.IT
SEMESTER              SECOND

Q.1 Explain the Characteristics of Technical Communication. What are the indicators of Excellence in Technical Communication? 5,5

Ans. Characteristics of Technical Communication: The most significant characteristics of technical communication is that you have to customize the information for a particular reader. This method is to bring in personal warmth to your document. Sometimes you will be aware of

Q.2 Explain the preparatory stage in SME Interviews.  Prepare notes on Post Interview Session and Validation. 5,5

Ans. PREPARATORY STAGE IN SME INTERVIEWS: Perhaps the most universal and basic method for a technical communicator to gather information is a face-to- face interview with a subject matter expert (SME). SMEs may be engineers, developers, programmers, operators, clerks, or customer support personnel. They are the people who have experience with and

Q.3 Explain the role of a technical editor. List the strength and weakness of SDLC. 5,2

Ans. ROLE OF A TECHNICAL EDITOR: A technical document, to be effective, requires not only a good writer, but also a good editor.  The chief duties of a technical editor are realized when the sections of a technical document  are submitted to him. The main duties that he performs include: Improving text material: The editor determines how appropriate the content and organization are for the purpose and audience. He is instrumental in making the verbose

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