Thursday, 20 August 2015

bt0066 smu bsc it summer 2015 Ist sem assignment

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- BT0066, Database Management Systems
BK ID- B0950
Q1. Draw and explain the diagram of SQL server 2000 architecture.
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 is a family of products that meet the data storage requirements of the largest data processing systems and commercial Web sites, yet at the same time can provide easy-to-use data storage services to an individual or small business below

Q2. Why relational data model is important? Explain the terms relation and tuple. 10
Answer: Relational Model: The relational model is today the primary data model for commercial dataprocessing applications. It has attained its primary position because of its simplicity, which eases the job of the programmer, as compared to earlier data models such as the network model or the hierarchical model. A database based on the relational model developed by E.F. Codd allows the definition of data structures, storage and retrieval operations and integrity

Q3. What is the system catalog in RDBMS? Also explain what information is stored in the system catalog. 5+5
System Catalog In A Relational DBMS
We can store a relation using one of several alternative file structures, and we can create one or more indexes each stored as a file on every relation. Conversely, in a relational DBMS, every file contains either the tuples in a relation or the entries

Q4. Explain semantics of TRC queries with examples.
Semantics of TRC Queries
What does a TRC query mean? More precisely, what is the set of answer tuples for a given TRC query? The answer to a TRC query { T | p(T) }, as we noted earlier, is the set of all tuples t for which the formula p(T) evaluates

Q5. Explain data fragmentation with an example. 10
Answer: Data Fragmentation: If the relation r if fragmented, r is divided into a number of fragments r1,
r2......,rn. These fragments contain sufficient information to reconstruct the original relation r. As we shall see, this reconstruction can take place through the application of either the union operation or a special type of join operation on the various fragments. There are two different schemes for fragmenting a relation: horizontal fragmentation and vertical

Q6. Describe the approaches for incorporating object orientation capabilities in databases.
Answer: Approaches for incorporating object orientation capabilities in databases: There are at least six approaches for incorporating object orientation capabilities in databases :

1.      Novel database data model/ data language approach: The most aggressive approach develops entirely new database management system with object orientation capabilities. Most of the research projects in object-oriented databases have pursued this approach. The industry introduces novel DML (Data manipulation Language) and DDL (Data

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