Thursday, 20 August 2015

ma0046 smu mba summer 2015 IVth sem assignment

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Qus:1 “Every merchant banker in India has to comply with the General Obligations and Responsibilities” as mandated in the SEBI Act 1992. Enumerate the extant guidelines.
·         General Obligations and Responsibilities for merchant bankers as per SEBI Act 1992.
General Obligations and Responsibilities for merchant bankers as per SEBI Act 1992:
A. Code of Conduct for Merchant Bankers:
 The code of conduct for merchant bankers is under the heading of General Obligations and Responsibilities in the SEBI Act 1992. Every merchant banker shall abide by the code of conduct as specified in the Act. These

Qus:2 How will you differentiate between ADRs and GDRs ? Identify the specific role players involved in making the global issue successful.
·         Differentiate between ADRs and GDRs
·         Who are the specific role players to make the global issue successful ?
Differentiate between ADRs and GDRs:

Qus:3 You have been appointed as “Manager, Non-fund based services” in a premier merchant bank. Can you perceive the kind of portfolios you may have to deal with ?
·         Portfolios of non-fund based managerial services.
Portfolios of non-fund based managerial services:
A portfolio is a bundle of securities and is made for the purpose of maximizing the returns or minimizing the risk. The diversification of the risk is the basic idea of construction of a portfolio. The term portfolio management is very comprehensive and includes all steps starting with the

Qus:4  “The benefits of bancassurance is extended not only to the banking and insurance companies but also to their customers”. Elaborate the statement referring to the extant regulations of bancassurance in India.
·         Discuss the benefits of bancassurance to Banking and Insurance companies and also their customers
·         Discuss the regulations of bancassurance in India

Discuss the benefits of bancassurance to Banking and Insurance companies and also their customers:
The following are the some of the benefits of bancassurance to the banks and insurance companies:
(i) Increase in the income of banks.
(ii) Easy access

Qus:5 As a financial consultant advise your client regarding the differences between mergers and acquisitions. Cite also the acts, regulations and guidelines related to mergers, acquisitions and takeovers.
·         Differences between mergers and acquisitions
·         Legal aspects related to mergers, acquisitions and takeovers in India
Differences between mergers and acquisitions:
Merger is the combining of all the assets and liabilities of two or more businesses where only one of the businesses survives. The company which ceases to exist is known as the transferor company and the company which remains in existence is known as the transferee company. A

Qus:6 “A credit rating agency only facilitates the investors to decide and prioritize based on the ranks assigned to various debt instruments and the corporates floating those instruments”. Elucidate the statement.
·         Credit rating and decision making techniques
Credit rating and decision making techniques:
Credit rating:
Credit rating is a financial service provided by an approved body which rates the various securities of a company according to a set model. Various symbols are assigned to various securities according to default rate risk involved in that debt security. Default risk is associated with the
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