Thursday, 20 August 2015

mh0054 smu mba summer 2015 IIIrd sem assignment

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DRIVE Summer 2015
MBA (sem 3)/MBADS (sem 3 and 5)/PGDHSMN (sem 1 )
MH0054 - Finance, Economics and Planning in Healthcare
Services BOOK ID-B1214
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q.1 Give an account of incentives available to healthcare sector under the income tax act. (Categories of healthcare sectors in India, Explanation of key incentives) 2, 8

Answer :  Healthcare sectors in India :

he healthcare industry in India is experiencing gradual transition from paper files to electronic mediums. The Indian healthcare assisted by IT market has been growing tremendously over the past few years. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 22.7 per cent during the period 2013-2015.The

Q.2 What do you mean by health economics? Discuss the role of economists in healthcare industry. (Definition of health economics, Explanation of role of economists in health care industry) 2, 8

Answer: Meaning of health economics  :

Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value and behaviour in the production and consumption of health and health care. In broad terms, health economists study the functioning of health care systems and health-affecting behaviours such

Q. 3 Discuss the importance of financial information in healthcare organisations. (Explanation of financial information in General, Explanation of importance of financial information in healthcare organizations) 2, 8

Answer : Financial information :

Data such as credit card numbers, credit ratings, account balances, and other monetary facts about a person or organization that are used in billing, credit assessment, loan transactions, and other financial

Q.4 Explain different methods of evaluation of healthcare services. (Listing the different methods of evaluation of healthcare services, Explanation) 2, 8

Answer :  Different methods :

1. Types of Quality of Care Measures :
2. Outcome Measures :
3. Process Measures :
4. Structure Measures:
5. Comprehensiveness of Measures:

1.      Types

Q.5 Define cost accounting. Explain the various categories of costs.  Definition of cost accounting, Explanation of various categories of costs) 2, 8
Answer: Cost accounting :

Cost accounting is a process of collecting, analyzing, summarizing and evaluating various alternative courses of action. Its goal is to advise the management on the most appropriate course of action based on the cost efficiency and capability. Cost accounting provides the detailed cost information that

Q.6 What is financial reporting? Explain the need for financial reporting. (Definition of financial reporting, Explanation of need for financial reporting) 2, 8

Answer : Definition of financial reporting :

Financial reports are the documents and records you put together to track and review how much money your business is making (or not). The purpose of financial reporting is to deliver this information to the lenders and shareowners (the stakeholders) of your business. If someone else is

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