Tuesday, 1 September 2015

bbr505 smu bba summer 2015 Vth sem assignment

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Qus:1 Assuming that you are appointed as a warehouse manager, what are your roles & responsibility?
·         Roles
The roles & responsibility are:

The job description of a warehouse manager comprises the following elements:

1.      Overseeing the warehouse functions to ensure methodical receipt, storage, inventory management and despatch of

Qus:2 What are the challenges in warehousing of a retail sector?

The challenges in warehousing of a retail sector:

1.      Speed: Today, the customer is more impatient than ever before. He/she expects their demands to be fulfilled instantaneously. As a result, retailers, especially those dealing in fashion products, do not have the time they once had to forecast fashion for the next year, develop products, test them in the markets, have previews for customers and then launch them. Today, they have very little time to

Qus:3 Describe the different types of suppliers.


The different types of suppliers:

The different types of suppliers are:

A retailer can depend on one or more suppliers. There are a number of alternatives that a retailer may consider as a

Qus:4 Explain how EOQ is calculated?
·         Methodology


How EOQ is calculated:

One of the most favoured techniques for calculating the quantity to be ordered is the economic order quantity (EOQ). Here, two basic costs are matched—the inventory acquisition cost and the inventory carrying

Qus:5 Define GMROI.
·         How GMROI is calculated?
·         Definition GMROI
·         GMROI is calculation procedure


How GMROI is calculated:

Retail managers are accountable for managing retail assets and realising a return on these assets, which are mainly inventory, we can use a model where return on assets is used to plan and track performance.

Qus:6 Explain the different types of warehouse structures.
The different types of warehouse structures:
Different types of warehouses have different structures. Some of these are:

a.      Heated and unheated warehouses: These warehouses provide bulk, rack and bin storage, aisle

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