Tuesday, 1 September 2015

bc0058 smu bca summer 2015 VIth sem assignment

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Summer 2015
Qus:1 Write the advantages and applications of Data Warehouse.
The advantages and applications of Data Warehouse:
The advantages of Data Warehouse:
A Data Warehouse provides a common data model for data, regardless of the data source. This makes it easier to report and analyze information than it would be if multiple data models from disparate

Qus:2 Write short notes on:
(i) Metadata Component
(ii) data Marts
(i) Metadata Component:
Metadata in a Data Warehouse is similar to the data dictionary or the data catalog in a Database Management System. In the data dictionary, you keep the information about the logical data structures, the

Qus:3 Write the Characteristics of Dimensional Table.
The Characteristics of Dimensional Table:
1. Dimension Table key. Primary key of the dimension table uniquely identifies each row in the table.
2. Table is wide. Typically, a dimension table has many columns or attributes. It is not uncommon for some dimension tables to have more than fifty attributes. Therefore, we say that the dimension table is wide. If you lay it out as a table with columns and rows, the table is spread out

Qus: 4 Discuss the Extraction Methods in Data Warehouses.
Extraction Methods in Data Warehouses:
The extraction method you choose is highly dependent on the source system and also from the business needs in the targeted Data Warehouse environment.  The estimated amount of the data to be extracted and the stage in the ETL process (initial load or maintenance of data) may also impact the

Qus: 5 Write short notes on:
(I) RAID 0
(ii) RAID 1
(i) RAID 0:
RAID 0 provides data stripping. It takes data that needs to be stored and distributes it evenly between two or more hard drives. Because the system considers the two hard drives as one logical hard drive, the data is stored only once. In a two-drive setup, for example, RAID 0 saves and

Qus: 6 what is Metadata Management? Explain Integrated Metadata Management with a block diagram.
Metadata Management:
The purpose of Metadata management is to support the development and administration of data warehouse infrastructure as well as analysis of the data of time. Metadata widely considered as a promising driver for improving effectiveness and efficiency of data warehouse usage, development,

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