Tuesday, 1 September 2015

bc0057 smu bca summer 2015 VIth sem assignment

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Summer 2015
Qus:1 Why do we need object orientation? What is the significance of Unified Approach?
Need of object orientation:
Object oriented systems are easier to adapt to changing requirements, easier to maintain, more robust, and promote greater design and code reuse.
·         Higher level of abstraction. Top

Qus:2 Write a note on:
i. Object-oriented analysis – use-case driven
ii. Prototyping
i. Object-oriented analysis – use-case driven:
The object-oriented analysis phase of software development is concerned with determining the system requirements and identifying classes and their relationships to other classes in the problem

Qus: 3 Explain the Macro development process in Brooch methodology.
Macro development process in Booch methodCology:
The macro process serves as a controlling framework for the micro process and can take weeks or even months. The macro development process consists of the following steps:
1.      Conceptualization. During conceptualization, you establish the core requirements of the system. You

Qus:4 (i) Explain about the UML language for constructing and Documenting.
(ii) List few applications of UML
(i) Explain about the UML language for constructing and Documenting.
The UML is a Language for Constructing:
The UML is not a visual programming language, but its models can be directly connected to a variety of programming languages. This means that it is possible to map from a model in the UML to a programming language such as Java, C++, or Visual Basic, or even to tables in a relational

Qus:5 Explain the 3 steps in extracting Entity Classes with a flowchart.
Steps in extracting Entity Classes with a flowchart:
Entity class extraction consists of three steps that are carried out iteratively and incrementally:

·         Functional Modeling. Present scenarios of all the use cases (a scenario is an instance of a use case).

·         Class Modeling. Determine the entity classes and their attributes. Then, determine the interrelationships and interactions between the entity classes. Present this information in the form of a

Qus:6 Explain any 2 phases of Unified Process.
Phases of Unified Process:
The Elaboration Phase:

The aim of the elaboration phase is to refine the initial requirements (use cases), refine the architecture, monitor the risks and refine their priorities, refine the business case, and produce the project management plan. The reason for the name “elaboration phase” is obvious; the major activities of this phase

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