Tuesday, 1 September 2015

ma0037 smu mba summer 2015 IIIrd sem assignment

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DRIVE- Summer 2015
BK ID -B1618
Q1. Explain the characteristics of a negotiable instrument. Give the differences between promissory note and bill of exchange.  
(Explanation of negotiable instrument,  Differences between promissory note and bill of exchange)5,5
Negotiable instrument
Negotiable instrument means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable either to order or to bearer. It is used to transfer a debt from one account to another and from one person to another person.
1.      Freely transferable: The property in a negotiable instrument passes from one person to another by delivery, if the instrument is payable to bearer

Q2. Write the duties and rights of Bailor. Explain the duties and rights of Bailee.
(Explanation of duties and rights of bailor, Explanation of duties and rights of bailee)5,5  
Duties and rights of bailor
Duties of Bailor 
1. To disclose known facts - It is the first and foremost duty of the bailor to disclose the known facts about the goods bailed to the bailee. In the absence of such disclosure, he is responsible for any damage caused to the bailee directly from such failures.
2. To bear extraordinary expenses of the bailment – Section 158, repayment by bailor, of necessary expenses – according to the bailment

 Q3. Explain the powers of RBI with respect to authorized persons. Write down the points under Appellate authorities. Also write the differences between contravention and compounding in Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). 
 (Explanation of powers of RBI with respect to authorized persons, Points under Appellate authorities  Differences between contravention and compounding FEMA )3,4,3 
Powers of RBI with respect to authorized persons
Appointment of authorised persons – The authorised persons are appointed by RBI and they are authorised to deal in foreign exchange. The person so appointed shall work under the direction of RBI and shall have to comply with the rules and regulations so framed or formulated by RBI from time to time for this purpose.
Powers to issue directions to authorised persons – A Reserve Bank may, for the purpose of securing compliance with the provisions of this

Q4. Explain the conditions that are to be applied for raising funds from qualified institutional investor. Write the measures of asset reconstruction.
 (Explanation of conditions that are to be applied for raising funds from qualified institutional investor, Explanation of measures of asset reconstruction )6,4 
Conditions to be applied for raising funds from qualified institutional investor
The securitisation or reconstruction company raises funds for acquisition by issue of security receipts. Here the following conditions are to be satisfied:
For each financial asset acquired or to be acquired, there should be a separate scheme.
Scheme-wise and asset-wise

Q5.  Explain the powers of the Board. Explain the banking codes and rules.
(Explanation of powers of the Board,  Explanation of banking codes and rules)5,5  
Powers of the Board
The board ensures adherence to the ‘Codes of Bank’s Commitment to Customers’ by member banks. The Code is voluntary and sets minimum standards of banking practices for banks to follow when they are dealing with individual customers in their routine

Q6 Explain the cooperative banks principles. Explain about the business that can be done by a Co-operative Banks. 
(Explanation of cooperative bank principles, Explanation of business that can be done by a co-operative banks )5,5 
Cooperative bank principles
1.      Voluntary and open membership Cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons who are willing to accept the responsibilities of its membership and thereby, avail its services. Membership is offered without any gender, social, racial, political, or religious discrimination. The members have positive obligations towards the promotion and development of their society. The obligations may include the right to vote, to take part in meetings, to utilise the services of the co-

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