Tuesday, 1 September 2015

bt8902 smu bsc it summer 2015 Vth sem assignment

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Qus:1 Explain the modes of operation associated with E – Commerce.
The modes of operation associated with E – Commerce:
As we are already aware of the fact that in E–Commerce sale and purchase of goods or services take place over the internet, the operations are categorized under the following four modes:

a)      Revenue Generating Modes: E–Commerce outlines the revenue generation modes that a firm can employ to generate quicker

Qus:2 Explain the purpose of Network layer of the OSI model.
The purpose of Network layer of the OSI model:
The Network Layer is responsible for the source to destination delivery of a packet across multiple networks. It ensures that each packet gets from its point of origin to its final destination. It also oversees the end to end delivery of individual packets; however, it does not recognize any relationship between those

Qus:3 Differentiate between direct and indirect metrics.
Differentiate between direct and indirect metrics:
In software metrics theory, one problem is the separation of direct and indirect metrics or measurement. Direct measurement of an attribute is the measurement that does not depend on the measurement of any other

Qus:4 Explain the architectural components of CRM.
The architectural components of CRM
These components are:

1.)    Customer’s information repository It is at the centre of any CRM solution occupying a pivotal place, like the heart. It is the database that holds the customer information and serves as the central collective memory of the organization. Tools and technologies associated and important to the data

Qus:5 Explain the working of a WAP transaction.
The working of a WAP transaction:
The wireless application protocol is a set of specifications that was designed to allow users to have easy access to internet and to make the content of internet available on hand held devices such as mobile phones or PDAs, let us now study how this protocol functions. Transaction carried out through

Qus:6 What is the purpose of Security and Resolution Centre of eBay? Explain.
The purpose of Security and Resolution Centre of eBay:
The website has a dedicated “Security and Resolution Center” whose primary motive is to resolve disputes that may arise between buyer and seller. In this “Security and Resolution Center” of eBay, they have five

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