CREDIT – 4 BK ID - B1405 MAX. MARKS =60
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Q1. Define operating system. Explain any four major functions of operating system 2+8 = 10
Answer: Operating System is a System Software (Set of system programs) which provides an environment to help the user to execute the programs. An operating system (OS) is a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer. A key component of system software, the OS performs basic tasks, such as controlling and allocating memory,
Q2. What is hardware virtual machine? Discuss the three ways through which the software virtualization can be done 4+6=10
Hardware Virtual Machine
The original meaning of virtual machine, sometimes called a hardware virtual machine, is that of a number of discrete identical execution environments on a single computer, each of which runs
Q3. Explain the following scheduling algorithm [10 Marks].
a) First come first served
b) Shortest Job First 5+5=10
a) First-Come-First-Served Scheduling Algorithm
This is one of the brute force algorithms. A process that requests for the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. Hence, the name first come first serve. The FCFS algorithm is implemented by using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue structure for the ready queue. This queue has a head and a
Q4. Define deadlock. Discuss any four conditions that lead to deadlock 4+6= 10
Answer: Definition:
Several processes compete for a finite set of resources in a multi-programmed environment. A process requests for resources that may not be readily available at the time of the request. In such a case the process goes into a wait state. It may so happen that this process may never change
Q5. Explain LRU page replacement algorithms with an example 4+6= 10
LRU page replacement algorithm
The main distinction between FIFO and optimal algorithm is that the FIFO algorithm uses the time when a page was brought into memory (looks back) whereas the optimal algorithm uses the
Q6. What is computer virus? List the types of virus and its various infection methods. 4+6 = 10
Answer: Computer Virus
A computer virus is written with an intention of infecting other programs. It is a part of a program that piggybacks on to a valid program. It differs from the worm in the following ways:
· Worm is a complete program by itself and can execute independently whereas virus does
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