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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0057 – Management of Healthcare Human Resources
BOOK ID- B1321
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1: Explain the factors that contributed to Human Resource Management’s strategic role in healthcare.
Explaining the 10 factors that contributed to Human Resource Management’s strategic role in healthcare
Explaining the 10 factors that contributed to Human Resource Management’s strategic role in healthcare
The factors contributing to the strategic role of human resource management in healthcare are as follows:
· The increasing dimensions of healthcare organisations have made theemployee-employer relationship to be impossible. In the employee employerrelationship, the employee and employer treat each other asindividuals and understand mutual problems. In small organisations itmay be possible today, but, in case of big hospitals the supervisors aremostly interested in getting the work done which hampers theemployee–employer relationship. SHRM helps to strengthen theemployee-employer relationship.
Q.2: Describe recruitment in healthcare services.
Meaning and definition
Factors affecting recruitment process
Importance of recruitment
Sources of recruitment
Recruitment process
Meaning and definition:
Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organisation or firm. This is done to meet the requirement of the organisation in having the right people to do the right jobat the right time to ensure that the organisation’s goals are met. Recruitment precedes the selection process, which involves creation
Q.3: Explain the steps in manpower planning.
Mentioning the steps
Explanation of all the steps in manpower planning
Mentioning the steps :
Manpower planning is a systematic approach and is followed as a set of procedures. The steps in manpower planning are as follows:
1. Analysing the current manpower inventory.
2. Making future manpower forecasts.
Q.4: Define performance appraisal. Explain the components of performance appraisal.
Definition of performance appraisal
Listing the components of performance appraisal
Explanation of the components of performance appraisal
Definition of performance appraisal:
Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analysing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of performance appraisal is measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and
Q.5: Describe HR audit process.
Mentioning the phases of HR audit process
Explanation of various phases
Mentioning the components of HR audit process
Explanation of the components
Mentioning the phases of HR audit process:
The HR audit process consists of three different phases. Each phase is aimed at building upon the previous phase. This is to ensure that the organisation will have a good overview of the developments in the HR functions.
The three phases consist of ten steps as mentioned below:
1. Initial phase:
(i) Notification
(ii) Planning
(iii) Open meeti
Q.6: Discuss the importance of team work in healthcare services.
Essentials of team work
Strategies for effective team building and trust
Mc Grehor’s approach to team building
Essentials of team work:
There are certain essentials of team work which are advisable, it is given below:
· A leader for the team.
· A common goal.
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