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SUBJECT CODE & NAME-IB0012 – Management of Multinational Corporations
BK ID-B1200
Q1. Discuss the relationship between international business and international organizations. What could be the objectives of going international?
(Relationship, objectives) 6, 4
Relationship between international business and international organizations
International business is increasing day by day and its importance is widely recognized. A number of international organizations have been setup to facilitate, regulate, measure and even finance international trade. Some of these organizations are worldwide and some are regional organizations. Some international organizations have governmental powers and act as supranational entities. It is important for people involved in international business to understand the
Q2. Discuss the following theories of international trade:
a) Comparative cost advantage theory
b) Porter’s theory
(Comparative cost advantage theory, Porter’s theory) 5, 5
a) Comparative cost advantage theory
David Ricardo in 1817 advocated that even though a nation held an absolute advantage in production of two goods, the two countries could still trade with mutual benefit. Two countries could both benefit from trade if each had a relative advantage in production. In simple terms it can be said that a country specializes in production of those commodities
Q3. Many countries are apprehensive about permitting MNCs operations. What are the possible reasons for this?
(Case against MNCs) 10
Case against MNCs
MNCs are not widely welcome by many host countries. The critics of MNCs argue their case on following grounds:
i) On political grounds, it is argued that MNCs indulge in violation of human rights, promotion of corruption among politicians, support to terrorist groups and sometimes even in destabilizing the government in the host countries. There is a great fear that all these mal-practices may result in challenge to the sovereignty of smaller nation states.
Q4. Compare the management styles in USA and Japan.
(Management styles in USA, Management styles in Japan) 5, 5
Management styles in USA
U.S.A. being a democratic country, US managers are often under pressure to show better financial results. Americans usually stay in their managerial positions only a relatively short time. American management style can be described as individualistic in approach, in so far as managers are accountable for the decisions made within their areas of responsibility. Although important decisions might be discussed in open forum, the ultimate responsibility for the
Q5. Explain the scope of comparative management.
(Comparative management’s scope) 10
Comparative management’s scope
The scope of comparative management in managing multinational companies is discussed below:
(i) Ability to manage cultural diversity: Managers face difficulties when they work in another culture. People, having different mental programmes, see situations differently and apply different approaches and solutions to problems. When a person starts to function internationally, an understanding of culture and its effect on behaviour,
Q6. Write short notes on:
a) Ethical issues in international management
b) Social responsibility
(Meaning and role of Ethical issues in international management, meaning and role of Social responsibility) 5, 5
a) Ethical issues in international management
There are a number of ethical issues which international managers are facing. The important among them are discussed below:-
(i) Bribery and Corruption
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