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DRIVE Fall 2014
Q1. Quality has different perspectives. Explain the two main perspectives of Quality. (2 main perspectives of Quality)
Quality in Different Perspectives
Quality is needed right from the beginning. There is no use trying to maintain quality, only by sending good parts out of the Company and rejecting defective parts. Quality should start while planning itself. This will reduce the defective parts at the end. Some argue that there is no need of separate “Quality Department” if every Employee does the job in a right manner using right methods throughout the process. Quality has thus different perspective. Let us see two main perspective of Quality.
Q2. Explain Crosby’s Four Absolutes of Quality and 14 steps to hassle free management. (Crosby’s four absolutes of Quality, Crosby’s 14 steps to hassle free management)
Crosby’s Four Absolutes of Quality
Crosby espoused his basic theories about quality in four Absolutes of Quality Management as follows:
1. Quality means conformance to requirements, not goodness.
According to Crosby, once the requirements are specified then quality is judged solely on the criteria of whether they are met or not; aesthetics or feelings don’t come into it. It is then the duty of management to specify those requirements very clearly, to say what they want. This, Crosby believes, is one of the major failings of management.
Q3. 5S is a structured program to achieve a well-organized workplace, its cleanliness and standardization, for a safer, more efficient and more productive operation. Explain the principles and implementation stages of 5S. (Principles – 5 marks, implementation stages – 5 marks) 10 marks
‘5S’ Principles
Theme: Sorting, Tidiness [Sorting good and bad, useable and non useable]
Sorting simply means to segregate what all to keep or stored at each work station, that is segregating unnecessary items into „wanted‟ and „unwanted‟ and discards the unnecessary items from the workplace. The golden rule is to remove anything that will not be used within next 30 days from the workplace.
Theme: Straighten or Orderliness:
[Systematic arrangement & keep systematically and have traceability] The Systematic arrangement is keeping things in order of all the wanted items in a designated area at each workstation so that they are ready for use when required i.e. easy
a. Explain briefly the concept of Just-In-Time that formed the backbone to Toyata plant in achieving operational excellence.
b. Discuss how the Poka- Yoke approach towards zero defect help in achieving cost effective production and customer satisfaction.
(Explanation of the Concept of Just-In-Time, Explanation of the Concept of Poka-Yoke)
Just-in-Time [Jit] – Concept in Toyota Production System
Dr. Shingo and Mr. Taiichi Ohno have invented/ rediscovered the Just in Time system-which has become the backbone of the Toyota production system. The synergy created by this industrial revolution and its powerful effects which influenced the international economic order.
Q5.Total Productive Maintenance aims for greater manufacturing competitiveness through improved effectiveness of machines and equipment. Briefly explain the Eight Pillars of Total Productive Maintenance. (Meaning – 2 marks, Explanation – 8 marks) 10 marks
Total Productive Maintenance -TPM is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and equipment. The goal of the TPM program is to markedly increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and job satisfaction.
Total Productive Maintenance is defined as the means to achieve high level of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness with zero loss concepts through total participation of all employees with self managing abilities in practices, to achieve total
Q6.Discuss the meaning and importance of six sigma. Explain the steps in implementing six sigma. (Meaning – 2 marks, Importance – 3 marks, Steps – 5 marks)
Meaning of Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a management philosophy developed by Motorola that emphasizes setting extremely high objectives, collecting data, and analyzing results to a fine degree as a way to reduce defects in products and services. The Greek letter sigma is sometimes used to denote variation from a standard. The philosophy behind Six Sigma is that if you measure how many defects are in a process, you can figure out how to systematically eliminate them and get as close to perfection as
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